Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Last week-end August 9-10 I had a booth and I spoke at the Autism Conference in Pasadena.  It was wonderful to meet so many parents, teachers, and therapists seeking help and sharing professional advice all under one roof.   What a great place to come for answers and support.  I wish when Brandon was growing up we would have had conferences like these to attend.  Any time a parent has the opportunity to come to one of these conferences I think it is a great way to collect valuable information in a short period of time.  I am aware when parents leave many feel overwhelmed and I certainly understand that.  However, with taking good notes and a bit of space to digest the information most parents have a pathway, a direction with which to embark.     Visit

Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's a New Day

Yesterday Brandon called to tell me he had an epileptic seizure. He said the paramedics walked him home and he didn't have to go to the hospital. Brandon was happy about avoiding the hospital, but very unhappy about experiencing yet another seizure. This morning I called him to see how he was doing. I asked him, "Brandon how do you feel?" He replied, "You know mom it's a new day." Brandon continues to be my finest teacher. How lucky we are to have new days.


New Blog On The Block....THERE IS HOPE

My son, Brandon, has epilepsy, learning disabilities, and a form of autism called Asperger Syndrome.

Despite Brandon’s limitations and challenges, I wanted him to have the best life possible. Today he does. I’ll share with you how we made that happen.

I’ve been where you are, and I know from personal experience that when our children are helped at an early age, they have a much better chance of changing negative behaviors, improving performance, increasing self-acceptance, and self esteem. However, if you missed that opportunity as I did with my son, don’t give up. I know firsthand it’s never too late to get help.